Franco Bitossi (Carmignano, Prato 1º settembre 1940) Ciclista su strada e ciclocrossista italiano. Professionista dal 1961 al 1978, vinse ventuno tappe al Giro d'Italia e quattro al Tour de France; nel suo palmarès anche due edizioni del Giro di Lombardia, nonché la medaglia d'argento ai campionati del mondo 1972 e quella di bronzo nell'edizione 1977.Era soprannominato "Cuore matto", nomignolo originato da improvvisi attacchi di tachicardia che spesso lo costringevano a fermarsi in corsa. Ebbe tuttavia una carriera di alto livello, tanto nelle corse in linea quanto in quelle a tappe, conseguendo in totale 171 vittorie.Iniziò la carriera di ciclista nel 1957 riportando dieci vittorie nella categoria allievi. Dal 1959 al 1961 corse come dilettante riportando ventuno vittorie; passò professionista nel 1961. Nei primi anni da professionista arrivarono poche vittorie: la prima corsa vinta fu una tappa della Tre Giorni del Sud, con la maglia della Philco, nel 1961. Nei due anni successivi non riuscì quasi mai ad arrivare al traguardo nelle corse disputate in Italia. Lo penalizzarono il carattere fortemente emotivo e la lieve cardiopatia che ne condizionava le prestazioni sportive e lo costrinse molte volte al ritiro.Fu nel 1964 che Bitossi si mise definitivamente in luce. Correndo con la formazione Springoil-Fuchs al Giro d'Italia vinse quattro tappe tra le quali la Cuneo-Pinerolo; per altre quattro volte arrivò secondo cogliendo a Milano la decima posizione nella classifica finale. Per tre anni consecutivi (1964, 1965 e 1966) vinse la "maglia verde" come leader della speciale classifica di miglior scalatore del Giro d'Italia. Nel 1965, ormai stabilmente nelle formazioni nazionali ai mondiali, passò alla squadra pratese Filotex, diretta da Waldemaro Bartolozzi. In quell'anno conseguì la vittoria del Tour de Suisse (con due successi parziali) e del Campionato di Zurigo 1965. Partecipò al Giro d'Italia cogliendo il settimo posto nella classifica finale oltre ad una vittoria di tappa.Il 1966 fu l'anno della definitiva consacrazione: vinse due tappe sia al Giro d'Italia (ottavo nella classifica finale) sia al Tour de France (diciassettesimo nella classifica finale), nonché la Coppa Sabatini. Gli organizzatori di circuiti lo invitano a numerose competizioni e la sua popolarità crebbe anche tra il pubblico europeo.Nel 1967 vinse la Tirreno-Adriatico, il Giro di Lombardia e la Coppa Agostoni, oltre a cogliere il terzo posto nella Milano-Sanremo. Partecipò inoltre al Giro d'Italia cogliendo il quindicesimo posto nella classifica finale oltre ad una vittoria di tappa.Ormai nella piena maturità agonistica, nel 1968 vinse ancora due tappe sia al Giro d'Italia (nono nella classifica finale) sia al Tour de France dove terminò ottavo nella classifica finale e vinse la classifica a punti (primo italiano ad indossare la maglia verde a Parigi), arrivando anche secondo nella classifica della montagna; inoltre vinse di nuovo il Campionato di Zurigo e la Coppa Sabatini e si aggiudicò anche la Coppa Bernocchi. Ai campionati del mondo di Imola, vinti da Vittorio Adorni, Bitossi dovette ritardare il suo attacco per non disturbare la fuga del suo compagno di squadra; nel finale arrivò quarto.Nel 1969 vinse la classifica a punti al Giro indossando fino al termine la maglia ciclamino e vincendo due tappe. A Milano colse la decima posizione in classifica finale. Nel 1970 fu campione italiano e vinse tra l'altro quattro tappe al Giro (ove fu settimo con nuovamente indosso la maglia ciclamino) e la Vuelta a Catalunya; fu settimo anche al Tour de Suisse, dove vinse due tappe e la classifica a punti. Ricevette alcuni importanti premi: il San Silvestro d'oro, il Cougnet ed il Tuttosport. Confermò il titolo di campione italiano anche nel 1971, vincendo la prova unica al Gran Premio Industria e Commercio di Prato. Vinse nuovamente il Giro di Lombardia.Nel 1972 Bitossi fu protagonista dello sfortunato epilogo dei campionati del mondo a Gap, in Francia. Nei chilometri finali era in testa alla corsa con altri sei corridori: Michele Dancelli, Marino Basso, Eddy Merckx, Cyrille Guimard, Joop Zoetemelk e Leif Mortensen. Gli italiani controllavano la gara, essendo Dancelli e Basso i due migliori velocisti del lotto. A quattro chilometri dall'arrivo, il francese Guimard provò una fuga e Bitossi lo seguì per marcarlo, visto che Guimard era pericoloso e veloce. Vedendo che Bitossi non collaborava alla fuga, Guimard rallentò.In una intervista Bitossi ha poi ricordato quel momento: «Ero fresco perché stavo alla ruota del francese. Ho pensato: Merckx è un amico di Guimard e non si sta dannando per inseguirlo. Dancelli e Basso sono italiani e quindi non stanno inseguendo. Guimard è stanco. Solo Zoetemelk e Mortensen potrebbero opporsi, ma sono in minoranza». Così Bitossi scattò e si sbarazzò facilmente di Guimard. A 1 300 metri dall'arrivo, il corridore azzurro si voltò e vide il gruppetto a 300 metri. Lungo il rettilineo finale in leggera salita Zoetemelk, Guimard e Merckx lanciarono l'inseguimento, Bitossi si voltò a ripetizione e cambiò più volte rapporto nel tentativo di trovare la cadenza giusta, mentre il vento contrario ne rallentava ulteriormente la marcia. Fu raggiunto proprio sul traguardo dal gruppo guidato dall'azzurro Basso, che lo superò sulla linea lasciandogli la medaglia d'argento.Nel 1973, ormai trentatreenne, lasciò la Filotex per approdare alla Sammontana, ma le vittorie non erano finite ed il ciclista toscano fu protagonista vincendo quell'anno i Giri del Veneto e dell'Emilia. L'anno successivo venne ingaggiato dalla Scic, con la quale partecipò per la prima volta alle classiche del Nord, dove non sfigurò cogliendo qualche piazzamento. Tornò a partecipare alle corse a tappe: vinse quattro tappe al Tour de Suisse e tre al Giro d'Italia, dove si piazzò al nono posto e colse il secondo posto nella classifica a punti.Nel 1976 con la squadra Zonca-Santini tornò a vincere il campionato italiano e una tappa al Giro ed alla Parigi-Nizza. Nell'anno seguente cambiò ancora squadra, approdando alla Vibor, con la quale vinse il Gran Premio Città di Camaiore ed alcune competizioni minori. Esordì nel ciclocross, cogliendo un'affermazione nei campionati italiani. Nello stesso anno, convocato ancora in Nazionale, Bitossi conquistò la medaglia di bronzo ai mondiali di San Cristóbal, in Venezuela. Chiuse la stagione con un terzo posto al Giro di Lombardia.Bitossi terminò la sua carriera nel 1978 dopo la stagione con la Gis Gelati, durante la quale vinse ancora due gare riconfermando inoltre il titolo di campione italiano nel ciclocross.
Franco Bitossi (Carmarthen, Lawn 1 September 1940) and ciclocrossista Italian road cyclist. Professional from 1961 to 1978, he won twenty-one stages in the Tour of Italy and four in the Tour de France in Duels also two editions of the Tour of Lombardy, and the silver medal at the 1972 world championships and a bronze edition 1977.Era nicknamed "Heart mate" nickname originated by sudden attacks of tachycardia, which often forced him to stop running. Nevertheless had a career high, the racing line and in those in stages, achieving a total of 171 vittorie.Iniziò the cycling career in 1957 bringing ten victories in the cadet category. From 1959 to 1961 as an amateur races bringing twenty-one victories, went professional in 1961. In the first few years as a professional came victories: The first race was won a stage in Three Days of the South, with the shirt of Philco in 1961. The next two years could hardly ever get to the finish line in races run in Italy. The penalized the highly emotional and mild heart disease who conditioned sports performance and many times forced him to ritiro.Fu Bitossi in 1964 that began definitively to light. Running with the formation Springoil-Fuchs to the Tour of Italy won four stages including the Cuneo-Pinerolo, finished second four other times for taking tenth place in Milan in the final standings. For three consecutive years (1964, 1965 and 1966) won the "green jersey" as leader of the special list of best climber of the Tour of Italy. In 1965, now firmly in national training programs at the World Championships, the team went Filotex Prato, headed by Waldemaro Bartolozzi. In that year he obtained the victory of the Tour de Us (with two partial successes) and the Championship of Zurich 1965. He participated in the Tour of Italy taking the seventh place in the final over to win tappa.Il 1966 was the final year of the consecration, both won two stages in the Tour of Italy (eighth in the final) and the Tour de France (seventeenth in the final classification) and the Coppa Sabatini. The circuit organizers invited him to various competitions and his popularity grew among the public europeo.Nel 1967 he won the Tirreno-Adriatico, the Giro di Lombardia and the Coppa Agostoni, than to take third place in the Milan-Sanremo. Also participated in the Tour of Italy taking the fifteenth place in the final over to win a competitive tappa.Ormai in full maturity, in 1968 and won two more stages in the Tour of Italy (ninth in the final) and the Tour de France where he finished eighth in the final and won the points classification (first Italian to wear the green jersey in Paris), also coming second in the mountain, also again won the Championship of Zurich and the Coppa Sabatini and also won the Cup Bernocchi. At the world championships in Imola, won by Vittorio Adorni, Bitossi had to delay his attack to not disturb the flight of his teammate, came in the final quarto.Nel 1969 he won the points classification in the Tour wearing the cyclamen jersey until the end and winning two stages. In Milan, took tenth place in the final standings. In 1970 he was Italian champion and won among the other four stages at the Giro (where he was seventh with back wearing the cyclamen jersey) and the Vuelta a Catalunya, was also seventh in the Tour de Us, where he won two stages and the points classification. He received several important awards: the Golden Year's Eve, and the Cougnet Tuttosport. He confirmed also the title of Italian champion in 1971, winning the Grand Prix test only to Industry and Commerce of Prato. Again won the 1972 Tour of Lombardia.Nel Bitossi was the star of the unfortunate ending of the world championships in Gap, France. In the final kilometers he was leading the race with six other riders: Michael Dancelli, Marino Basso, Eddy Merckx, Cyrille Guimard, Joop Zoetemelk and Leif Mortensen. Italians controlled the race, being Dancelli and the two best sprinters in the Lower Lot. Four kilometers from the French Bitossi Guimard tried an escape and followed him to mark it, as Guimard was dangerous and fast. Seeing that Bitossi uncooperative fled, Guimard rallentò.In Bitossi an interview he recalled that moment: "I was cool because I was at the wheel of the French. I thought: Merckx is a friend of Guimard and you are not damning to chase him. Dancelli and Basso are Italian and therefore is not seeking. Guimard is tired. Only Zoetemelk and Mortensen might resist, but they are in the minority. Thus Bitossi snapped and got rid of easily Guimard. At 1 300 meters from the finish, the blue racer turned and saw the group at 300 meters. Along the final straight uphill Zoetemelk, Guimard and Merckx launched the chase, turned Bitossi repeating several times and changed the relationship in an attempt to find the right cadence, while the wind was against it slowed further march. It was right on target reached by the group led from blue Basso, who passed him on the line leaving the silver medal. In 1973, now thirty-three, left the Filotex Sammontana to land at, but the victories were not over and the cyclist was Tuscan Turn the player winning that year the Veneto and Emilia. The following year he was hired by the SCIC, with which he participated for the first time to the classic North, where disfigured taking some placement. He returned to participate in stage races: won four stages at the Tour de Us and three in the Tour of Italy, where he finished ninth and took second place in the standings in 1976 with the team punti.Nel Zonca-Santini went on to win the Italian league and a stage in the Giro and the Paris-Nice. In the following team changed again, landing at VIBOR, with whom he won the Gran Premio Città di Camaiore and some minor competitions. He began in cyclocross, taking a claim in the Italian championships. In the same year, still called the National Bitossi won the bronze medal at the World Championships in San Cristobal, Venezuela. He closed the season with third place in the Tour of Lombardia.Bitossi ended his career in 1978 after the season with Gis Gelati, during which he won two more races Reaffirming also the title of Italian champion in cyclo-cross.
Franco Bitossi (Carmarthen, Lawn 1 September 1940) and ciclocrossista Italian road cyclist. Professional from 1961 to 1978, he won twenty-one stages in the Tour of Italy and four in the Tour de France in Duels also two editions of the Tour of Lombardy, and the silver medal at the 1972 world championships and a bronze edition 1977.Era nicknamed "Heart mate" nickname originated by sudden attacks of tachycardia, which often forced him to stop running. Nevertheless had a career high, the racing line and in those in stages, achieving a total of 171 vittorie.Iniziò the cycling career in 1957 bringing ten victories in the cadet category. From 1959 to 1961 as an amateur races bringing twenty-one victories, went professional in 1961. In the first few years as a professional came victories: The first race was won a stage in Three Days of the South, with the shirt of Philco in 1961. The next two years could hardly ever get to the finish line in races run in Italy. The penalized the highly emotional and mild heart disease who conditioned sports performance and many times forced him to ritiro.Fu Bitossi in 1964 that began definitively to light. Running with the formation Springoil-Fuchs to the Tour of Italy won four stages including the Cuneo-Pinerolo, finished second four other times for taking tenth place in Milan in the final standings. For three consecutive years (1964, 1965 and 1966) won the "green jersey" as leader of the special list of best climber of the Tour of Italy. In 1965, now firmly in national training programs at the World Championships, the team went Filotex Prato, headed by Waldemaro Bartolozzi. In that year he obtained the victory of the Tour de Us (with two partial successes) and the Championship of Zurich 1965. He participated in the Tour of Italy taking the seventh place in the final over to win tappa.Il 1966 was the final year of the consecration, both won two stages in the Tour of Italy (eighth in the final) and the Tour de France (seventeenth in the final classification) and the Coppa Sabatini. The circuit organizers invited him to various competitions and his popularity grew among the public europeo.Nel 1967 he won the Tirreno-Adriatico, the Giro di Lombardia and the Coppa Agostoni, than to take third place in the Milan-Sanremo. Also participated in the Tour of Italy taking the fifteenth place in the final over to win a competitive tappa.Ormai in full maturity, in 1968 and won two more stages in the Tour of Italy (ninth in the final) and the Tour de France where he finished eighth in the final and won the points classification (first Italian to wear the green jersey in Paris), also coming second in the mountain, also again won the Championship of Zurich and the Coppa Sabatini and also won the Cup Bernocchi. At the world championships in Imola, won by Vittorio Adorni, Bitossi had to delay his attack to not disturb the flight of his teammate, came in the final quarto.Nel 1969 he won the points classification in the Tour wearing the cyclamen jersey until the end and winning two stages. In Milan, took tenth place in the final standings. In 1970 he was Italian champion and won among the other four stages at the Giro (where he was seventh with back wearing the cyclamen jersey) and the Vuelta a Catalunya, was also seventh in the Tour de Us, where he won two stages and the points classification. He received several important awards: the Golden Year's Eve, and the Cougnet Tuttosport. He confirmed also the title of Italian champion in 1971, winning the Grand Prix test only to Industry and Commerce of Prato. Again won the 1972 Tour of Lombardia.Nel Bitossi was the star of the unfortunate ending of the world championships in Gap, France. In the final kilometers he was leading the race with six other riders: Michael Dancelli, Marino Basso, Eddy Merckx, Cyrille Guimard, Joop Zoetemelk and Leif Mortensen. Italians controlled the race, being Dancelli and the two best sprinters in the Lower Lot. Four kilometers from the French Bitossi Guimard tried an escape and followed him to mark it, as Guimard was dangerous and fast. Seeing that Bitossi uncooperative fled, Guimard rallentò.In Bitossi an interview he recalled that moment: "I was cool because I was at the wheel of the French. I thought: Merckx is a friend of Guimard and you are not damning to chase him. Dancelli and Basso are Italian and therefore is not seeking. Guimard is tired. Only Zoetemelk and Mortensen might resist, but they are in the minority. Thus Bitossi snapped and got rid of easily Guimard. At 1 300 meters from the finish, the blue racer turned and saw the group at 300 meters. Along the final straight uphill Zoetemelk, Guimard and Merckx launched the chase, turned Bitossi repeating several times and changed the relationship in an attempt to find the right cadence, while the wind was against it slowed further march. It was right on target reached by the group led from blue Basso, who passed him on the line leaving the silver medal. In 1973, now thirty-three, left the Filotex Sammontana to land at, but the victories were not over and the cyclist was Tuscan Turn the player winning that year the Veneto and Emilia. The following year he was hired by the SCIC, with which he participated for the first time to the classic North, where disfigured taking some placement. He returned to participate in stage races: won four stages at the Tour de Us and three in the Tour of Italy, where he finished ninth and took second place in the standings in 1976 with the team punti.Nel Zonca-Santini went on to win the Italian league and a stage in the Giro and the Paris-Nice. In the following team changed again, landing at VIBOR, with whom he won the Gran Premio Città di Camaiore and some minor competitions. He began in cyclocross, taking a claim in the Italian championships. In the same year, still called the National Bitossi won the bronze medal at the World Championships in San Cristobal, Venezuela. He closed the season with third place in the Tour of Lombardia.Bitossi ended his career in 1978 after the season with Gis Gelati, during which he won two more races Reaffirming also the title of Italian champion in cyclo-cross.